Digital Design

Do you want to learn more about Digital Design?
No one is too young or too old to learn more about computer software that enables the design process!
During these sessions, we explore how to utilize technology within the design field and each lesson is specifically tailored to your unique skill level - from beginner to expert. 
Together, we dive into graphics using programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Portfolio, Canva, PixlrEditor, and more. Gain fluency in each program's necessary skills, empowering you to confidently include them on your resume or application. With engaging activities, projects and step-by-step guidance, we will unleash your creativity. Whether you aspire to become a graphic designer or simply wish to explore the possibilities of digital art, these classes are designed just for you!
First 6 1-hour sessions | $240
Next 3 1-hour sessions (beyond 6) | add $75
Next 3 1-hour sessions (beyond 9) | add $55
Additional 1-hour session (after 12) | $30 per session

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